Giti Chandra

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Dr. Giti Chandra

Research Specialist

Short Bio

Dr. Giti Chandra is currently Senior Researcher and Lecturer with the GEST programme, and also teaches at the University of Iceland. She has been Associate Professor at the Dept. of English, St Stephen’s College, Delhi, and has taught in and been a fellow at Rutgers University, New Jersey, from where she did her Doctoral work on Women and Violence. She is the author of “Narrating Violence, Constructing Collective Identities: To witness these wrongs unspeakable” (Macmillan UK/US: 2009). She is co-editor of the Routledge Handbook on the #MeToo Movement (due out in October 2020) and has given papers and presentations on the #MeToo movement in conferences internationally. She is the recipient of an EDDA grant for a book length study titled “In Visible Texts: Hidden and Spectacularised Violence in Colonial India and Africa”. Dr. Chandra has served as Chairperson of the College Complaints Committee Against Sexual Harassment in St Stephen’s College, Adviser to the Gender Sensitization Committee, and as the External Expert on the Sexual Harassment Complaints Committee at the Indian Institute of Mass Communication. Dr. Chandra has also published two novels (with another due in January 2020), short stories, and poems.


Akhil Neelam
Gender and Political Representation
Bakhan Hama Amin Qadir
Gender and LGBTQI+
Jessica Madalitso Mandanda
Feminist Movements and Discourse
Khwimani Isabel Mwasinga
Gender, Peace and Security