Dr. Irma Erlingsdóttir

Short Bio
Dr. Irma Erlingsdottir is a Professor and Director of the Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme (GEST), the EDDA – Centre of Excellence, and the Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference (RIKK), University of Iceland. Dr. Irma Erlingsdottir has led several large-scale academic projects in the fields of gender studies, globalization, contemporary politics and critical theory, and has wide-ranging experience in cooperating with government ministries, public and private organizations on policy-relevant gender and equality research. She studied at Sorbonne University (PhD), Vincennes University (DEA), Paul Valéry University in France (Licence and Maîtrise) and the University of Iceland (BA). As a specialist in gender studies, literature and critical contemporary philosophy, she has published articles and book chapters in these fields.Supervision
Final project
Andrea Jovanović
Feminist Movements and Discourse
Ekram Mohammednegash Osman
Women's Empowerment