Gender and Disability: an Intersectionality Approach in Mozambican Context

Final project
Year of publication:
Gender and Disability
Number of pages:


Research on the status of disabled women is lacking in Mozambique and in Africa in general. Their access to basic human rights, economic and social services such as employment, health and education remains poor and they are more likely to be victims of violence, to live in poverty and social exclusion than men with disability or women who are not disabled. In spite of this situation disabled women are neither targeted by the feminist movement nor the disability movement and they are absent in both gender public polices and public disability policies in Mozambique. This essay analyses the possibilities of an intersectional approach between the fields of gender and disability. Based on international and national legislation on gender and disability, the essay examines how the public policies as well as the national mechanisms on gender equality and disability address issues on women and girls with disability. It is suggested that intersection of gender and disability in public policies and the mainstreaming of gender in disability policies as well as the mainstreaming of disability in gender polices is useful to promote effective gender equality and women’s empowerment. In this way an inclusive development that ensures participation of all women in the developing process will be promoted.