Gender and the Law: A New Perspective to Equality in Uganda

Author(s): Abel Nuwamanya
Final project
Year of publication:
Gender, Policy and Law
Number of pages:


The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (chapter 4) guarantees both men and women equality before the law (Constitution of Uganda: 1995). The National Gender Policy (2007) and Gender Action Plan (2007-8) for eliminating gender inequalities for stance poverty eradication programmes. The aim of the policy was to provide a gender outlook and mainstreaming at all levels of planning, gender responsive budgeting and implementation of development programs. The National Development Plan notes that gender inequality has led to uneven distribution of resources, opportunities and violations of human rights and stipulates measures for redress, National Development Plan (2015-2021). However, a key challenge Uganda faces is that while policies and plans are clearly enunciated on paper, implementation lacks coordination or is non-existent. Issues of gender inequality have persisted due to negative customs and cultural constructs in our society; a paradigm shift in the approach should focus on religious and cultural institutions as important change agents to fully achieve gender equality and safeguard the girl-child‘s rights and fulfillment of their potential, right from childhood (UNICEF Uganda, Child Poverty Report: 2015). The current situation in Uganda with regard to gender equality is reflected in these aspects which affect both men and women differently; gender and law, legal and policy, Land law & property ownership, Gender based violence and literacy level.