Is the International Women, Peace and Security Agenda Universally Applicable? A Study of the Implementaion of UNSCR 1325 in Palestine

Author(s): Carmen Keshek
Final project
Year of publication:
Gender, Peace and Security
Number of pages:
Supervisors: Bjarney Friðriksdóttir


This doctoral research project will analyze the impediments that hinder the implementing the Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security in the occupied Palestinian territories. This research will conduct this analysis through analyzing the colonial relationship between Palestine and Israel, and the hegemony of the international community; represented by the United Nations. The research argue that the rise of Women, Peace and Security agenda as a normative framework within the liberal values and norms of the western community cannot be implemented to the unique case of Palestine which is still under the ongoing Israeli colonization. On the contrary, the resolution will maintain and further entrench the masculine patriarchy in global and local politics. The research will proceed with the analysis through the use of constructivist theory of international relations on norms diffusion to figure out the rise of the norm of Women, Peace and Security in the global system, and the consequences of securitizing women's issues. Moreover, the research will use post-colonial theories, especially Edward Said's, and the critical feminist theory to understand the reproduction and reconstruction of liberal hegemony on colonized states like Palestine.