Monitoring and Evaluation System within Mozambican Gender Machinery: Diagnosis for Improvement

Final project
Year of publication:
Gender Policies
Number of pages:


The main objective of this project is to analyse the Monitoring and Evaluation system for gender mainstreaming within the Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Action. Covering the period 2010 to 2014, the evaluation was based on five criteria, namely: relevance; efficiency 1: installed capacity; efficiency 2: use; and sustainability, chosen according to the criteria from United Nations Evaluation Group and the Development Assistance Committee from Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The data were collected through interviews and document review. The findings lead to the conclusion that, while the M&E system for gender mainstreaming is relevant within MGCAS, several challenges related to weak planning and implementation for M&E and alignment amongst the main guiding documents, lack and quality of disaggregated data, gender focal points underrepresentation, lack of technical capacities, and underfunding, still persist.