Promotion of Menstrual Hygiene among Girls in Mogadishu, Somalia

Final project
Year of publication:
Gender and Sexual/Reproductive Health
Number of pages:


Menstruation is part of the reproductive cycle of young women, yet in the Somali it is often seen as dirty. The silence regarding menstruation and the lack of proper information at home and in schools result in women and girls having very little knowledge about what is happening to their bodies when they menstruate. In many instances, menstruation is met with shame and social taboos that are further manifested in social practices, restricting mobility, freedom and access to daily activities and services. This can impact a girl’s schooling. This project challenges these social norms and their impact by providing menstrual sanitation trainings in schools through clubs and organized menstrual hygiene advocacy material. The trainings and advocacy will include both boys and girls to have the greatest impact. Beyond this, the project will teach young women to make and properly care for their own menstrual supplies, allowing for a consistent supply of clean menstrual pads. The advocacy and training combined will allow young women to continue in school while menstruating.