17 February 2023
Barbershop for Gender Equality
On February 14 the Permanent Delegation of Iceland to UNESCO, UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Sector & the UNESCO Gender Division hosted a Barbershop workshop for gender equality with the theme „Act like a man, Act like a woman.“ During the event, GRÓ GEST academic coordinator and project manager Dr Thomas Brorsen Smidt presented the GEST programme and GEST alumna of 2022, Ankita Bhat and GEST fellow of 2023, Nomore junior Mutsengi, contributed as discussion facilitators.
16 February 2023
Teaching Gender to Youth in Uganda: GRÓ GEST and Pangea Collaboration
At the end of January, two short intensive training courses on Teaching Gender to Youth were implemented in Uganda.
20 January 2023
GRÓ GEST welcomes the 15th cohort of GEST fellows!
The GRÓ GEST fellows of 2023 have arrived in Iceland and completed their first week of the GEST programme. The GEST team is honored to welcome them to the University of Iceland and looks forward to working with them throughout the semester.
23 December 2022
Season's Greetings 2022!
The GRÓ GEST programme sends its warmest holiday greetings and wishes for a happy new year!
9 December 2022
Official launch of “Lilja’s Fistula and One Stop Centre”
In honour of the late Lilja Dóra Kolbeinsdóttir
1 December 2022
Open Call for Nominations for the 2024 GRÓ GEST Programme
The GRÓ Gender Equality Studies and Training (GRÓ GEST) programme calls for nominations for its academic programme in 2024. The deadline for nominations is 8 March 2023.