14 July 2023
Summer Holidays Closure
The GRÓ GEST office will be closed for summer holidays from 15th July through 7th August 2023. E-mail will be monitored but responses are to be expected after the office reopens in August.
12 July 2023
Yeshiwas Belay: Researching the Gender Dynamics of Ethiopian Peacekeeping Amidst a Civil and Regional Conflict
Yeshiwas Degu Belay, GEST alumnus (2017), is now halfway through his PhD research, which is a joint degree programme of the University of Iceland and Erasmus University of Rotterdam and investigates Ethiopian experiences with international peacekeeping missions and the gender dimensions.
11 July 2023
Sonal Dhanani Receives the 2023 March 8 Fund
It is our great pleasure to announce that a €9,700 grant from the 2023 GRÓ GEST March 8 Fund has been awarded to Sonal Dhanani, GEST alumna of 2022 for the project Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion Advocacy Hub.
20 June 2023
GRÓ GEST visits Birzeit University
GRÓ GEST was invited to attend the international staff week at Birzeit University, Palestine, during the week 5-9 June 2023. The visit was a part of the ERASMUS+ staff mobility, facilitated by the International Office at the University of Iceland, and funded by the European Union.
7 June 2023
Recordings for a New Online Course
This week a group of international top scholars in the fields of gender, psychology and masculinity studies, visited Iceland to record material for the upcoming GRÓ GEST online course Men, Boys and Masculinities.
24 May 2023
Graduation of the GRÓ GEST Fellows 2023
GRÓ GEST celebrates the graduation of its 15th cohort