Six-month training

The core activity of the Fisheries Training Programme is an annual six-month training programme in Iceland which aims to strengthen the professional capacity of GRÓ-FTP Fellows to actively contribute to work done in their organisations and to recognise development potential in their home countries. Each year the programme runs for approximately six months and is comprised of three modules; an introductory part, a specialisation part, and a research part. Successful graduates receive a UNESCO certificate of completion.

Usually the introductory part occupies the first six weeks of the programme and gives Fellows a holistic view of fisheries, providing them with insights into various disciplines within fisheries and their connectedness. Here Fellows receive a comprehensive overview of fisheries in an international context, sharpening their understanding of fisheries in their home countries and what is needed for a fisheries sector to evolve. The introduction consists of a series of lectures, site visits and assignments, touching upon the subject of personal and professional growth, and group dynamics. The FTP places emphasis on environmental conservation and gender equality which are integral to sustainable fisheries and the development of the fisheries sector.

On completion of the introductory part, each Fellow joins a specialist line (six weeks) according to their area of expertise. Here the focus is on one specific area of fisheries and each individual's experience and knowledge are honed throughout a five-week programme of lectures, assignments and site visits. During this time Fellows develop ideas for a final project in collaboration with their supervisors.
The FTP offers training in four areas of specialisation:

  • Fisheries Policy and Management
  • Aquatic Resource Assessment and Monitoring
  • Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing
  • Sustainable Aquaculture

The programme culminates in about fourteen-week individual project in which fellows work closely with a supervisor to conduct research on a pressing issue related to their work at home. Here the Fellows combine the experience and practical skills gained in the introductory and specialist training, along with their personal goals on an individual research topic. Project design skills are applied to develop and present a research proposal, and then research is conducted individually through close collaboration with an expert supervisor. Final projects most often involve data directly from Fellows' home countries. On completion, a research paper is submitted and published on the FTP website. In addition, Fellows are required to design an information poster summarising their research and present their results in an open dissemination meeting.

How are FTP fellows selected?