
The GRÓ-FTP team at IIFET 2024. From left to right: Mutiat Motolani Salaudeen (Nigeria), Friday Jack Njaya (Malawi), Thong Ba Nguyen (Vietnam), Stefán Úlfarsson (Iceland), Olanrewaju Femi Olagunju (Nigeria), Herbert Nakiyende (Uganda), Chamari Tathsaramala Dissanayake Dadigamuwage (Sri Lanka), Samuel Bassa (Uganda), Kawooya Godfrey Kubiriza (Uganda), Chrisphine Sangara Nyamweya (Kenya) and Veronica Mpomwenda (Uganda).
22 July 2024


Ten former fellows presented major research projects at IIFET 2024 held last week in Penang, Malaysia.
15 May 2024

Congratulations FTP fellows 25th cohort

Today our 25th cohort of fellows graduated from the six-month training programme, in a cheerful ceremony held at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute -- 25 fellows from 15 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
14 May 2024

Útskrift Sjávarútvegsskóla GRÓ miðvikudaginn 15. maí

Útskrift 25. árgangs nemenda Sjávarútvegsskóla GRÓ fer fram miðvikudaginn 15. maí. Athöfnin fer fram í hátíðarsal Hafrannsóknastofnunar, Fornubúðum 5 Hafnarfirði og hefst kl. 15:10. Strax að henni lokinni munu útskriftarnemendur kynna verkefni sín á sérstakri veggspjaldasýningu.
13 May 2024

Graduation Wednesday 15th of May

A graduation ceremony for GRÓ Fisheries Training Programme’s 25th cohort of fellows will be held Wednesday 15th of May. The ceremony will take place at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Fornubúðum 5 Hafnarfirði and start at 15:10. Concurrently, a poster exhibition of the final projects of the graduating fellows will be on display at the same location.
7 May 2024

Fellows’ Matis seminar

Fellows on the Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing line, hosted by Matis Research Institute, are the focus of attention in our third fellows’ research seminar (in a series of three).
7 May 2024

Fellows’ Hafro seminar

Sustainable aquaculture & stock assessment fellows, both hosted by the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (HAFRÓ), are the focus of attention in our second fellows’ research seminar (in a series of three).