
2 March 2022

Congratulations FTP fellows 23rd cohort

Fellows of the 23rd cohort of the GRÓ Fisheries Training Programme graduated from their six-month training in a ceremony held yesterday, 1st of March at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Iceland.
28 February 2022

Útskrift Sjávarútvegsskóla GRÓ þriðjudaginn 1. mars

Útskrift 23. árgangs nemenda Sjávarútvegsskóla GRÓ fer fram þriðjudaginn 1. mars kl. 15:00.
25 February 2022

Graduation ceremony Tuesday 1st of March

A graduation ceremony for GRÓ Fisheries Training Programme’s 23rd cohort of fellows will be held Tuesday 1st of March.
24 February 2022

Fellows’ presentations Friday February 25th

The final set of presentations focuses on issues related to sustainable aquaculture.
23 February 2022

Fellows’ presentations Thursday February 24th

The third of four sets of presentations focuses on issues related to fisheries policy and management.
22 February 2022

Fellows’ presentations Wednesday February 23rd

The second of four sets of presentations focuses on issues related to quality management of fish handling and processing.