
12 March 2021

SDG 14: Small projects for big impact in fisheries

SDG target 14.4 aims to effectively regulate harvesting, end overfishing, illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing and to end destructive fishing practices. Essentially, this is about fisheries management
5 March 2021

SDG 14: Data for sustainable fisheries management

Einar Hjörleifsson is a fisheries biologist with the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Iceland. In this video, he talks us through a through a fundamental fisheries equation to help us solve this problem.
26 February 2021

SDG 14: Defining and defending small scale fisheries

In the first of our SDG 14 video series, senior adviser to the GRÓ-FTP Dr. Tumi Tómason talks through SDG 14b
25 February 2021

Coming soon! SDG 14 video series

In this video series, we explore Sustainable Development Goal 14, which relates to life in water and how we can build a path towards conserving living aquatic resources in our oceans and seas.
23 February 2021

GRÓ-FTP welcomes MSc and PhD Scholarship Recipients to Iceland

The GRÓ-Fisheries Training Programme was pleased to welcome our post-graduate scholarship recipients currently in Iceland to our new offices at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Hafnafjörður last week.
FTP fellow Tricia Lovell, Acting Deputy Chief Fisheries Officer, Antigua and Barbuda
22 February 2021

FTP fellow Tricia Lovell is Acting Deputy Chief Fisheries Officer, Antigua and Barbuda

Tricia Lovell of Antigua and Barbuda was a Fisheries Training Programme fellow in 2012. While in Iceland, she specialised in Fisheries Policy and Planning, and her final research project was entitles, "Towards a management plan for Antigua and Barbuda's Queen conch fisheries: a co-management approach".