
19 June 2020

Six-month training of the FTP will be delayed due to COVID-19

After much consideration, the Fisheries Training Programme has decided to delay the beginning of its 6 month course until January 2021.
From left: Jon Karl Ólafsson (Chairman of GRÓ Board), Bryndís Kjartansdóttir (Director, GRÓ Centre), Sigurður Guðjónsson (Director, MFRI), and Mary Frances Davidson (Deputy Director, GRÓ Fisheries Training Programme)
18 June 2020

GRÓ signs host institution agreement with the Marine and Freshwater Research Insititue

Representatives of the GRÓ Centre for Capacity Development under the auspices of UNESCO and the Marine and Freshwater Research Insititue met today to sign a new host institution agreement. This agreement builds upon 22 years of partnership and experience the MFRI has accumulated in its role in administrating the Fisheries Training Programme.
16 June 2020

Vianny Natugonza - PhD defence

Vianny Natugonza will defend his PhD dissertation titled "A comparative analysis of ecosystem models of Lake Victoria (East Africa)." on the 18th of June 2020, at 13.00 GMT.
GRÓ·FTP's new headquarters at Fornubúðir 5
8 June 2020

GRÓ·FTP moves

After over 20 eventful years in downtown Reykjavik, GRÓ·FTP and its host institution, the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI), have officially moved to a new office at Fornubúðir 5 in Hafnarfjördur, a port town on the southwest coast of Iceland, about 10 km south of Reykjavík.
FTP fellows 22nd cohort together with minister of fisheries and agriculture Mr. Kristján Þór Júlíusson.
27 February 2020

Congratulations FTP fellows 22nd cohort

FTP fellows 22nd cohort graduated from the Six-month training in a ceremony held yesterday 26th of February at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute in Iceland.
24 February 2020

Útskrift Sjávarútvegsskólans

Miðvikudaginn 26. febrúar kl. 15:00 fer fram brautskráning nemenda Sjávarútvegsskólans. Athöfnin fer fram í sal Hafrannsóknastofnunar, Skúlagötu 4 - 1. hæð. Strax að henni lokinni, eða kl. 16:00, verður móttaka fyrir gesti á sama stað og munu þá útskriftarnemendur kynna verkefni sín á sérstakri veggspjaldasýningu.