
The group behind the ENABLE workshop
9 June 2017

Linking migration, land degradation, and land restoration: potential for sustainable livelihoods.

UNU-LRT held a workshop at the Estoril Conferences last week together with its partners in the ENABLE consortium. The theme of the workshop was Linking migration, land degradation, and land restoration: potential for sustainable livelihoods. At the workshop, two former UNU-LRT fellows, Dr Bulgamaa Densambuu from Mongolia and Mr Moustapha Ibrahim from Niger, shared experiences on restoration work in their countries. In their talks they showcased the benefits land restoration brings to local communities, such as employment, food security and business opportunities. This improves the livelihoods and living condition of local people and reduces the need to migrate.
The short course curriculum development team
29 May 2017

Visit from Uganda – short course development

UNU-LRT will carry out a short course in Uganda in September this year with its Ugandan partner institutions, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and Makerere University. The short course will be on sustainable land management, land restoration and linkages with climate change. In mid-May, the Ugandan members of the curriculum development team visited Iceland to attend a working meeting with their counterparts from UNU-LRT, in order to develop the short course curriculum.
24 April 2017

MOOC on Landscape restoration for sustainable development: A business approach

UNU-LRT has created a massive open online course (MOOC) on Landscape restoration for sustainable development: A business approach, with its partners in the ENABLE partnership. The course will be launched on 1 May and will be open for all and free of charge. The course is designed for business students and professionals as well as anyone with an interest in business-driven landscape restoration. This is an exciting opportunity to spread the knowledge of how restoring degraded landscapes can return natural, social and financial capital that supports people’s livelihoods and wellbeing. For more information about the MOOC see this teaser video and flyer.
The new group of fellows
23 March 2017

New group of UNU-LRT fellows

UNU-LRT has received a new cohort of fellows for the 2017 six-month training programme. This year the fellows come from eight different countries: Mongolia (3 fellows) and Uzbekistan (1) in Central Asia and Ethiopia (1), Ghana (3), Lesotho (2), Malawi (1), Niger (1) and Uganda (2) in Africa, 10 men and four women. The UNU-LRT team looks forward to working with this vibrant group of fellows!
27 February 2017

News from former fellows

At UNU-LRT, we are always delighted to pass on good news from former fellows. Recently, we received news from a few former fellows who have been promoted in their jobs and finished university degrees.
UNU-LRT fellows in 2016
22 December 2016

Season´s greetings

The year 2016 is coming to an end. We would like to send all our friends and collaborators our best wishes for the festive season ahead and a wish for a Happy New Year.