
19 December 2012

Season's greetings

When another good year for the UNU-Land Restoration Training Programme has come to an end, we celebrate the milestones reached in 2012 and look forward to the coming year.
Workshop participants discussing curriculum.
19 December 2012

Workshop to review and revise curriculum of six-month training programme

Last week, a successful workshop was held to review and revise the curriculum of the UNU-LRT six-month training programme. Dr. Jeffrey Herrick, the UNU-LRT main international guest lecturer in 2012, re-visited Iceland to participate in the workshop.
10 October 2012

Graduation from the 2012 six-month training

On 4 October, ten fellows graduated from the UNU-LRT annual six-month training course. The graduated fellows are from Ghana (2), Uganda (2), Namibia (2), Uzbekistan (1) and Mongolia (3), five women and five men.
1 October 2012

Former fellow defends her PhD dissertation in Egypt

Nagwa Elnwishy, a former fellow from the first training course in 2007, recently defended her PhD at the Suez Canal University in Egypt. The title of her PhD project is: "Bio-remediation of some pharmaceutical residues in aquatic ecosystems“.
William Nsimiire from Uganda giving a speech.
26 September 2012

Seminar on the UNU programmes in Iceland

On the UN International Day of Peace on 21 September, a seminar on sustainable education was hosted by the United Nations Association of Iceland.
Gantuya Jargalsaikhan from Mongolia.
20 September 2012

Fellows in the 2012 training programme present their individual projects

Today the fellows in this year’s six-month training course presented their individual project work in an open seminar at the Agricultural University of Iceland.