More exciting lectures

14 September 2017
More exciting lectures

Tomorrow, Friday September 15th our guest lecturer, Ray Hilborn, will conclude his series of lectures at the UNU-FTP with two very exiting talks.

They will take place at the UNU-FTP headquarters, Skúlagötu 4, 1st floor in the afternoon from 13:00 until 15:30.

The first lecture is on challenges in assessing the status of fish stocks in small scale or low information fisheries.

The kinds of assessment and management used in most of the developed world are simply not practical for much of the world where fisheries target complex mixtures of dozens or hundreds of species, and governments have little ability to monitor catches rapidly enough to enforce catch limits.  This talk will discuss alternative approaches to assessing the status of these fisheries and how to manage them.

The second lecture is on the role of MPAs in fisheries management.

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are one form of marine conservation that has become popular within the global conservation community and primarily impact fisheries by closing areas to fishing. This talk will discuss the role of MPAs in fisheries management, the relative effectiveness compared to other fisheries management tools, and the potential of MPAs to improve fisheries management.

More on the UNU-FTP Hilborn lectures can be found here.


Fleiri spennandi fyrirlestrar

Á morgun föstudaginn 15. september mun gestafyrirlesari okkar, Ray Hilborn, ljúka fyrirlestrarröð sinni hjá Sjávarútvegsskólanum með tveimur mjög spennandi erindum.

Erindin fara fram í húsnæði Sjávarútvegsskólans, Skúlagötu 4 (1. hæð), eftir hádegi frá klukkan 13:00 til 15:30

Fyrra erindið fjallar um mat á ástandi fiskistofna í löndum þar sem fyrirliggjandi gögn eru takmörkuð. Það seinna um hlutverk svokallaðra „hafverndarsvæða" (e. MPAs) sem eitt verkfæri í fiskveiðistjórnun.

Sjá nánar um fyrirlestraröð Sjávarútvegsskólans með Ray Hilborn hér.

Hilborn 2017