Settling off on the trip
The introduction module on the six-month training programme aims to give the GRÓ-FTP fellows a holistic view of fisheries putting home country fisheries and their work into an international and regional perspective. After five weeks of lectures, fieldtrips and assignments, and before the fellows’ transition into their areas of specialisation, FTP traditionally embarks on a 9-day fieldtrip around the north of Iceland and surrounding areas. Our goal is to provide fellows with a first-hand opportunity to see as many practical aspects of the fishing industry as possible. The Icelandic fishing world is especially accessible in the north of Iceland, and on this fieldtrip the interplay between scientific, economic, and social aspects of fisheries is showcased with a comprehensive overview of industry, education, and innovation in this field. On completion of this integral part of the introduction, FTP fellows join one of four specialist lines, settling into an intensive study programme at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Matís Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D, Hólar University College, and the University of Akureyri.