Welcome 2022 cohort of fellows

Our 2022 cohort of fellows have all safely arrived in Iceland and are now in the process of settling in and starting GRÓ-FTP's Six-month Training Programme.
Altogether 23 fellows from 15 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia are participating in the programme this school year, 12 women and 11 man.
The biggest line of specialisation is the Fisheries Policy and Management line with 9 fellows, then Aquatic Resource Assessment and Monitoring line (6), Sustainable Aquaculture line (4) and Quality Management line (3).
Additionally there is one special guest who does not belong to any of the four lines.
The training starts with a six-week introductory module, in which all basic aspects of fishery science is covered, supplemented with field trips and various skills training.
The FTP staff welcomes the fellows and is looking forward to working with them.