Value chains can ensure that the economic and social benefits from the resources are optimized at all operational levels, and that the investments and also risks of production are shared among a range of participants along the chain. An effective value chain will link supply and demand and connect fishers and fish farmers to both domestic and international markets, thus providing them with critical information, support and services and enabling them to achieve economies of scale and enhanced profitability for the whole chain. With an effective value chain and supply chain, buyers and consumers can also be confident of having regular streams of reliable, safe and good quality fish and fishery products.
This workshop is meant to further strengthen the concept of Value Chain in the Caribbean fisheries and is a follow-up on the first course on Value Chain held in Surinam in 2017. This workshop focused on "How to" and the next steps in identifying and managing Value Chain possibilities in the Caribbean. The target group was the industry and the fisheries administraion.
The objective of the Workshop is to strengthen industry knowledge and capacity to apply an effective value chain approach so as to unlock the full benefits of their enterprises. Specifically, the Workshop will include lectures, case studies and group work under the following three key themes:
i. The Power of the Value Chain (Creating Value).
ii. Market Intelligence for More Value (Adding Value).
iii. Strong Links in a Strong Value Chain.
The Workshop is designed to generate the following outputs.
i. Training material developed and compiled for dissemination to participants.
ii. Trained small and medium-scale seafood processors together with associated public sector counterparts, in applying the value chain approach.
iii. Training workshop report, including workshop evaluation report.

Dadi Mar Kristofersson

Larique Desroy Devron Hackshaw


Britney Kasmiran