Management of Sustainable Fisheries
The objective of the study tour was to enhance the capacity, skills and experience of the selected participants with regards to the problem of management of sustainable fisheries, its scientific foundation and policy implications.
This is directly linked with SDG 14 “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” and its targets.
Beneficiary: Coremap-cti group from Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and one from the University of Halu Oleo.
Organisers: GRÓ-FTP organised and conducted the Training Programme (Stefán Úlfarsson and Julie Ingham) in cooperation with the University of Akureyri (Hreiðar Þór Valtýsson) and the Marine and Freshwater Institute.
The study tour was sponsored by the World Bank through Bappenas in Indonesia, although GRÓ-FTP compensated some of the costs incurred in Iceland.
During the study tour a concise overview was given of the concept of fisheries management, its scientific foundation and policy implications.
Selected participants gained basic understanding of bioeconomic theory, knowledge of the Icelandic ITQ system, on sight exposure to some key management actions and improved confidence in discussing different methods used to manage fisheries in context of their home country.
Special emphasis was put on a “triple bottom line” approach to sustainability, i.e. environmental /biological, economic and social.
Examples and case studies were drawn from the Icelandic experience and lectures and discussions augmented by site visits to relevant institutions and companies.
Throughout, participants worked on an assignment. In it, they were encouraged to put their own fisheries into context with the content of the study tour.
On completion they presented key results in an open seminar.

Hreiðar Þór Valtýsson

Jónas P. Jónasson

Óttar Gautur Erlingsson
Þorsteinn Hilmarsson

Dadi Mar Kristofersson