Dr. Tony J. Pitcher

Guest Lecturer

Dr. Tony J. Pitcher

D. Phil & M.A.

Short Bio

Tony J Pitcher is a fisheries scientist, well known for his work on the impacts of fishing, the management appraisal of fisheries, and how shoaling behaviour impacts fisheries. He is the founding director of the UBC Fisheries Centre at the University of British Columbia, where he is currently a professor of fisheries. While in Iceland, Dr. Pitcher held a series of lectures introducing new concepts and methods that can be employed in support of ecosystem-based fisheries management. Whole-ecosystem simulation models were reviewed in light of their ability to capture essential ecological and management factors. In addition, Dr. Pitcher led discussions on the costs, benefits and practicalities of restoring marine ecosystems. The course also covered latest developments in rapid appraisal techniques which can be used to evaluate sustainability or status in relation to agreed criteria, such as the UN Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.


  • D. Phil & M.A., Oxford University, 1971
  • B.A., Zoology, Oxford University, 1966