Title: Effect of twine type and the banana pinger on catch rate with sizes and species selectivity of gillnets when targeting cod (Gadus morhua)
The study focuses on the selectivity of gillnets by comparing the effect of netting materials (monofilament and multifilament), sound acoustics (Banana Pinger) and four different mesh sizes (152 mm, 178 mm, 203 mm, 229 mm) on catch rates. The data were collected as part of an Icelandic gillnet survey conducted in April 2017 for stock assessment of cod. A total of 22 species were sampled, four species were further analysed for using different mesh sizes. The study showed that the monofilament nets were more effective with slightly higher catch rates in cod and other round fishes while the multifilament gillnets were effective for the flatfish. The effect of sound acoustics indicated low significant difference in the catch rates of cod. The 152 mm and 178 mm mesh sizes had the highest catch rates for cod with length ranging from 60 – 90 cm. A study like this can serve as a tool for species selectivity by choosing the correct mesh sizes to maximise and control catches of the targeted fish by the right choice of gillnets, for sustainable management of fisheries resources.