Title: Investigation of cod surimi made according to the pH-shift process or conventional washing as candidate of food material for 3D printing

Final project
Year of publication:
Place of publication:
Number of pages:
Supervisors: Holly T. Kristinsson
cod; surumi; byproduct utilisation; Indonesia;


Developing countries generate over 60% of global fish trade and understanding how byproduct utilisation and 3D food printing impact the seafood industry in Indonesia and globally is critical. It is important to be forward-thinking and that starts with the research we are conducting. Byproduct utilisation can occur through surimi processing and in this study, we tested both conventional and pH shift surimi processing. With the implementation of 3D food printing there can be reduction in food waste and utilisation of seafood byproducts. This research is the first of its kind evaluating how printability of surimi paste and cooked gels in star form are affected by different surimi processing methods, source and quality of byproduct starting material, the addition of salt, and cold storage.

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