Introductory lectures

The main aim is to provide background knowledge on most aspects of geothermal energy resources and technology, and to generate an appreciation for the interrelationship between the various disciplines necessary in geothermal projects, from initial exploration to the implementation and utilization. The graduate Fellow should have gained sufficient all-round geothermal knowledge to value regional and international perspectives and have an understanding of development potential.
The introductory course is five to six weeks long and is common to all participants.  Fellows receive lectures in the mornings from 9-12 and usually have practicals or study in the afternoons. Assessment is in the form of two closed book written tests.

The introductory lectures loosely correspond to the various areas of specialization that are offered. In addition Fellows are trained in using the latest technology and are given guidelines on oral presentation and report writing. At the end of the introductory lecture course Fellows give an oral presentation on geothermal development in their home countries.
An important and usually unforgettable part of the 6 months stay in Iceland are the approximately two weeks of excursions, where the Fellows visit many of the most important geothermal fields in Iceland, geothermal industries and sites of utilization, mixed with touristic sites. A group of individuals from all around the world usually returns as a group of good friends.