A new short course, entitled "Quality Management And Value Addition in Fisheries in Bangladesh" was developed through cooperation with the UNU-FTP, Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish Foundation (BSFF) and Matís and was held at the Marine Fisheries Academy in Chittagong, Bangladesh May 8-12, 2016, the target group beeing industry leaders, government officials, academics.
At present, fish processing in Bangladesh is limited, and there is significant potential to increase export earning for the country through increasing competitiveness on foreign markets and better utilization of raw materials from shrimp and fish products. Most of the fish in the country is sold on the domestic market or frozen whole for export. A few industrious entrepreneurs have started to fillet and further process fin fish, opening opportunities for product development of rest raw materials such as frames, skin, and internal organs. Additionally, there is a substantial business in shrimp export from Bangladesh, which opens the door for further product development using shrimp shells and heads that are otherwise discarded.
The main goal of the course was to develop understanding among the participants about value addition potential and measures to maintain quality of raw material in fisheries. This was done through a series of lectures, group work, and one site visit to a processing plant. The course materials were developed by Matís in cooperation with the UNU-FTP. There were several lectures given by local partners, including former UNU-FTP fellows and representatives from the Bangladesh Department of Fisheries.
There were three separate audiences selected for this course, including representatives form academia, government, and the fishing industry. There were a total of 24 participants, of whom, 6 were from universities, 4 were government representatives, and 14 were from industry. Additionally, the first half day of the programme was reserved to present the aims and topics of covered in the course to high level officials. Three former UNU-FTP fellows were given the forum to present their work from their studies in Iceland to these high level officials, with the intention to highlight the work UNU-FTP has already undertaken in Bangladesh, and to encourage officials to utilize expertise cultivated through the UNU-FTP training.


Depok Kumar Paul

Md Murad Mufty

Syed Istiak Agradut