
29 September 2023

Úttekt á fyrirkomulagi styrkveitinga fyrir meistara- og doktorsnema í gegnum þjálfunaráætlanir GRÓ

Úttekt á fyrirkomulagi styrkveitinga fyrir meistara- og doktorsnema í gegnum þjálfunaráætlanir GRÓ, sem eru Jafnréttisskólinn, Jarðhitaskólinn, Landgræðsluskólinn, og Sjávarútvegsskólinn, lauk í ágúst 2023. Úttektin er óháð og byggir á spurningakönnun meðal nemenda, rýnihópum, viðtölum við helstu haghafa og skoðun á fyrirliggjandi gögnum, þ.m.t. fyrirkomulagi erlendis á sambærilegum verkefnum.
29 September 2023

Evaluation of GRÓ's master's and doctoral scholarship programme

A new external evaluation of GRÓ's master’s and doctoral scholarship programme confirms its contribution to knowledge creation and potential impact on institutional capacity building. The evaluation finds that the scholarship programme falls within the scope and aims of Iceland’s current policy for International Development Cooperation 2019-2023, as well as the one proposed for 2024-2028.
The fellows attending the 2024 GEST programme come from 14 different countries.
19 September 2023

The 2024 GEST Cohort Selected

After a lengthy selection process during March-July 2023, as the GEST selection panel reviewed nearly 400 nominations from almost 50 countries, 23 candidates from 14 countries have been selected to attend the 2024 GEST academic programme.