
Makoye Mabula Didas was born on February 5, 1983, in Ukerewe district, Mwanza region in Tanzania. He graduated with a BSc degree in 2010 and MSc in 2016 in Geology at the University of Dar es Salaam. After earning his MSc degree, Didas joined the Tanzania Geothermal Development Company Limited (TGDC) as a Geophysicist and has been working there since. In 2018 he took part in the Six Month Geothermal Training Program at the GTP in Iceland. He began pursuing a PhD in Geophysics at the University of Iceland on a GTP Scholarship in 2019. Didas is married to Jane Gelard Kilongo and they have a son, Ebenezer, and a daughter, Eliana.
16 September 2024

PhD defence by Makoye Mabula Didas

on Tuesday 8th of Oct. 13:00-15:00, Aula hall of UI.
11 September 2024

ARGeo-C10 conference coming up in Tanzania

ARGeo-C10 is held 21st - 27th October this year in Tanzania.
The Icelandic delegation at the meeting, the GRÓ team and the President of Iceland, Halla Tómasdóttir
9 September 2024

GRÓ‘s work presented to Nordic UNESCO family

The work of GRÓ – Centre for Capacity development, sustainability and societal change, and in particular the four GRÓ training programmes on fisheries, gender equality, geothermal energy and land restoration, was presented to the Nordic UNESCO family at their annual meeting that took place in Hveragerði, Iceland, in the beginning of September.
6 September 2024

Gistiaðstaða fyrir GRÓ - Forkönnun

GRÓ – Þekkingarmiðstöð þróunarsamvinnu leitar að gistiaðstöðu á höfuðborgarsvæðinu til langtímaleigu, fyrir 25–50 einstaklinga frá og með 1. september 2025 (eða eftir samkomulagi). Um er að ræða langtímaleigu til 3–5 ára, með möguleika á framlengingu.
31 August 2024

MSc defence by Agata Rostran Largaespada

on Monday 2nd of August at 14:00 at Reykjavík University
Martin Eyjólfsson, ráðuneytisstjóri utanríkisráðuneytisins, Nína Björk Jónsdóttir, forstöðumaður GRÓ og Berglind Orradóttir, starfandi forstöðumaður Landgræðsluskóla GRÓ, með nemendahópnum 2024 við útskriftina.
29 August 2024

Landgræðsluskóli GRÓ útskrifar 23 sérfræðinga frá Afríku og Asíu

Landgræðsluskóli GRÓ útskrifaði í gær 23 sérfræðinga á sviði sjálfbærrar landnýtingar og endurheimtar vistkerfa. Nemendurnir koma frá níu samstarfslöndum skólans í Afríku og Asíu. Um er að ræða fyrsta skiptið þar sem nemendur frá Kenía útskrifast úr skólanum en hinir nemendurnir eru frá Gana, Kirgistan, Lesótó, Malaví, Mongólíu, Nígeríu, Úganda og Úsbekistan.