
The Director General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, and the fellows and staff
18 October 2024

Director General of UNESCO visits GRÓ GTP

Ms Audrey Azoulay visited the GRÓ Geothermal Training Programme
Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO, with the 2024 GRÓ GPT cohort and alumni
17 October 2024

Director General of UNESCO visits GRÓ

Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO, visited the GRÓ Geothermal Training Programme today, met with GRÓ GTP fellows and alumni, and the GRÓ Centre.
Fellows from the GRÓ Land Restoration Training Programme doing field research
16 October 2024

External evaluation confirms good results delivered by GRÓ Training Programmes

An extensive independent external evaluation carried out on the work of GRÓ and the four training programmes on fisheries, gender equality, geothermal energy and land restoration in 2018-2023, confirms good development results of the work of the programmes. The evaluation was conducted by the GOPA consultancy firm and sets forth 37 recommendations.
16 October 2024

Góður árangur af starfi GRÓ staðfestur í viðamikilli úttekt

Viðamikil óháð úttekt fyrirtækisins GOPA á starfi GRÓ skólanna, það er Jafnréttisskólans, Jarðhitaskólans, Landgræðsluskólans og Sjávarútvegsskólans, á árunum 2018–2023 staðfestir góðan árangur af starfi þeirra. Í úttektinni eru lagðar fram 37 tillögur til úrbóta er varða skólana og GRÓ miðstöðina.
Uhunwa Precious Igho-Osagie
7 October 2024

GRÓ LRT: A truly transformative experience

“The GRO LRT training programme has truly been a transformative experience for me. Over the course of six months, I engaged in a journey of learning, relearning, and unlearning. The programme has been a game changer, equipping me with valuable insights and skills that I can now apply in my work. Beyond the knowledge gained from lectures, fieldtrips, and presentations, the organisation of the training itself is something I aspire to replicate in my personal life.”
6 October 2024

GRÓ GEST PhD Fellow Publishes in International Journal

Yeshiwas Degu Belay publishes on Ethiopia’s Engagement in Peace Operations