20 July 2018
UNU-FTP at IIFET in Seattle
At the IIFET 2018 conference in Seattle eighteen former UNU-FTP fellows are presenting great research projects related to the fisheries of their home countries and at the same time giving the whole conference a real global essence.

24 May 2018
Value Chain workshop in Trinidad
A regional workshop on Value Chain management was held in Port of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago May 22-24 2018. The concept of value chain in fisheries has been identified as one of key areas for development in the Caribbean fisheries. This workshop is part of a long-standing collaboration between the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism and UNU-FTP.

28 February 2018
Congratulations UNU-FTP fellows 20th cohort
On February 26th the twentieth cohort of our fellows graduated in a ceremony at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute of Iceland. President of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, attended the cermony.

23 February 2018
Fisheries Training Program 20th cohort of fellows ready for graduation
Monday February 26 United Nations University Fisheries Training Program will hold a graduation ceremony for its 20th cohort of fellows.

19 February 2018
Quality management: Presentation of fellows' final projects
The final set of presentations will be focused on fish processing and quality management and take place at the headquarters of MATÍS Vínlandsleið 12 Reykjavík, Wednesday February 21st from 09:00.

19 February 2018
Sustainable aquaculture: Presentation of fellows' final projects
The second set of presentations will focus on sustainable aquaculture and take place at Verið /Sauðárkróki, Tuesday February 20th from 10:00.