5 March 2019
Fisheries related issues in developing countries: Presentation of fellows' final projects
These days our fellows are presenting their final projects, which they have been working on this winter, under the supervision of specialists in Iceland, including from the University of Akureyri. Indeed, the last set of presentations will take place at the University of Akureyri, Sólborg M202, Wednesday March 6th from 08:30 and be focused on a wide variety of fisheries related issues in developing countries.

4 March 2019
Fisheries Policy and Management: Presentation of fellows' final projects
Tuesday March 5th our fellows continue presenting the final projects which they have been working on over the last three months under the supervision of specialists in Iceland. Before lunch a set of presentations will focus on fish processing and quality management and take place at Matis, Vínlandsleið 12 Reykjavík. After lunch another set of presentation will focus on fisheries policies and management and take place at the “Sjávarútvegshús” Auditorium Skúlagata 4 Reykjavík.

4 March 2019
Quality management: Presentation of fellows' final projects
These days fellows at the United Nations University -- Fisheries Training Program are presenting the final projects, which they have been working on over the last three months under the supervision of specialists in Iceland. The second set of presentations will be focused on fish processing and quality management and take place at Matis, Vínlandsleið 12 Reykjavík, Tuesday March 5th.

1 March 2019
Stock assessment and fishing gear technology: Presentations of fellows' final projects
In the coming days our fellows will present the final projects which they have been working on over the last three months under the supervision of specialists from our Icelandic partner institutes. The first set of presentations will be focused on stock assessment and fishing gear technology and take place at MFRI Auditorium, Skúlagata 4 Reykjavík, Monday March 4th.

28 February 2019
Final projects of fellows
UNU-FTP fellows are working hard these days wrapping up the final project of this year's six-months training program. They will introduce it in a series of presentations scheduled for next week. The presentations are open to the general public. It is a great opportunity to learn about the challenges to fisheries all over the world.
28 December 2018
Year at a glance
As an active year at UNU-FTP draws to close it is worthwhile highlighting some of the major achievements.