
19 December 2022

Dalvik – a small village with a big harbour

A visit to Dalvik
16 December 2022

GRÓ ákvarðar áherslur og markmið í starfinu til ársins 2027

GRÓ – Þekkingarmiðstöð þróunarsamvinnu hefur sett sér markmið og ákvarðað áherslur starfsins fram til ársins 2027. Skjalið fylgir aðferðafræði UNESCO við árangursstjórnun og skýrir hvernig unnið verður að því að ná markmiðunum sem sett eru fram í breytingakenningu GRÓ.
16 December 2022

GRÓ adopts strategic priorities until 2027

GRÓ – The International Centre for Capacity Development, Sustainable use of Natural Resources and Societal Change has adopted strategic priorities that will guide its work until 2027. The Strategic priorities are a part of GRÓ‘s Result-Based Management approach, in line with UNESCO‘s guidelines, and explain how GRÓ will implement the Theory of Change.
16 December 2022

Friday at UNAK and Akureyri harbour

Fisheries science with a dash of industry
15 December 2022

New Restoration Ecology Master's programme at AUI

New MSc programme in Restoration Ecology will be launched at the Agricultural University of Iceland (AUI) in the fall of 2023. The programme is offered within the Faculty of Environmental and Forest Sciences like the Postgraduate Diploma that successful fellows receive after attending GRÓ LRT six-month training programme.
15 December 2022

Settling off on the trip

GRÓ-FTP fellows explore fisheries in the North of Iceland