
29 March 2023

GRÓ GEST‘s Lecturers Contribute to RIKK Public Lecture Series on Decolonialism

Three of GRÓ GEST lecturers contribute to the RIKK lecture series this semester: Marsha Henry looked at the gendered, racialised, and militarised politics of peacekeeping on 23 February, Marai Larasi’s lecture on 15 March was titled ““Time Travel” as Liberation Strategy. Reflections on Decoloniality, Memory and Black Feminist Imagination”. And this Thursday, 30 March, Mukul Mangalik will take examples from Latin America, Africa, and South and South-East Asia in his exploration of un-gendering histories of anti-colonial struggles for liberation.
23 March 2023

GRÓ GTP has a new logo...

... again!
GRÓ GTP and GEST alumni, with staff of the UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa, the Director General of GRÓ, the Permanent delegate of Iceland to UNESCO and the Consul of Iceland in Nairobi.
22 March 2023

GRÓ alumni in Kenya meet with UNESCO‘s Regional Office for Eastern Africa

Kenya has outgrown Iceland in terms of electricity generated with its geothermal resources.
Fyrrverandi nemendur Jarðhitaskóla og Jafnréttisskóla GRÓ með starfsfólki svæðisskrifstofu UNESCO í Austur-Afríku, Nínu Björk Jónsdóttur, forstöðumanni GRÓ og fastafulltrúa Íslands hjá UNESCO, Auðbjörgu Halldórsdóttur.
22 March 2023

Fyrrverandi nemendur GRÓ í Kenía funda með starfsfólki svæðisskrifstofu UNESCO í Austur-Afríku

Kenía framleiðir nú meiri raforku með jarðhita en Ísland
21 March 2023

Call for Nominations Closed

The open call for nominations for the GEST 2024 programme closed on the 8 March 2023. A total of 366 nominations were received from 45 countries, most from Africa and South Asia. Of the received nominations, 283 candidates have been invited to submit a comprehensive application by 3 April 2023.
GRÓ GEST Erasmus+ fellows: Bleona Kurteshi from the University of Pristina, Kosovo and Orlando Javon Pearce from the University of the West Indies, Jamaica
14 March 2023

GRÓ GEST and Erasmus+ Collaboration: Fellows from the Jamaica and Kosovo

This year, two of the twenty-three fellows participating in the GRÓ Gender Equality Studies and Training programme, GEST, are Erasmus+ students: Bleona Kurteshi from the University of Pristina, Kosovo and Orlando Javon Pearce from the University of the West Indies, Jamaica.